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Who Are You?

Christine Ayala

The world will try to convince you that you need to be more of this or that, to be the “best you.” You need to buy this product or follow this diet or go to this church....

Being healthy and fit, isn’t a bad thing, but it isn’t who you are, it’s our responsibility to take care of the body God gave us so we can be and do all that He purposed for us.

The “best you” is formed by Jesus and His work in your heart. You move forward, walking in the Spirit and covered by grace. The fruit of the Holy Spirit can be tasted and seen by others and when you trip up or falter, the grace of god is there to cover your sin. You are a child of God! #bestself #childofgod #goodgoodfather #grace #walkinthespirit #jesussaves #fearfullyandwonderfullymade #shalom #onespiritonechurch #createdonpurposeforapurpose #dailydevotional

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