This is a hard truth. Too often we are too busy to do what’s important… what really matters. Many times it’s because we’ve failed to lay down healthy boundaries and say “yes” when we should be saying “no.” If God has called you to do something, it’s not busyness.
Stress and anxiety are hard. When you’re going through a trial and you feel the crushing weight of difficult circumstances and situations, it takes all our faith to turn it over to God. Our nature runs through every worst-case scenario and consequence, but our Lord tells us to “cast all our cares on Him.” He doesn’t want us to carry the straw, He wants to give us the “peace that surpasses all understanding.”
Joy and rejoicing is always a choice. We can feel happy for something, but when we rejoice and praise God it goes to a deeper level - one that isn’t dependent on circumstances or blessings. We are called to rejoice no matter how dire circumstances and situations may be - “rejoice IN THE LORD ALWAYS,” is our instruction. Not rejoice in the situation or even, but in the Lord and all He has done and is doing in and through us.
It’s all about our choices and and the perspective we decide to take. #choosejoy #chooseforgiveness #speaklife @annvoskamp #walkinthespirit #dontworryaboutanything #godiswithyou #yourjourneytobeingwhole #shalom #dailydevotional