“If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans’ 8:31
God is fighting with and for us. We are in a battle against Satan every single day, and yes, Jesus already defeated him. Yet, we are still living here and the devil wants to steal as much as he can from us - especially joy and peace and love, he wants to hurt us and ultimately kill us and in the meantime he relishes in destroying. This is the truth - but Our God is much stronger than him, and His armies of angels fight on our behalf. In addition to that, we walk with and in the authority of Jesus Christ. We have the victory, we just need to walk with God, spend time with Him and His word, pray, worship and believe to experience it. This is how we fight our battles. #thisishowwefightourbattles #jesuswon #goodgoodfather #ifgodisforuswhocanbeagainstus #justdoit #faith #believe #spiritualwarfare #winyourwar #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional