God speaks to us through His word when ever you read it, recite it or remember it in your heart as long as you’re looking for Him. If you read it like a text book and don’t let His word penetrate your spirit because of pride, unforgiveness, anger, or arrogance then the seed that it sows may not grow… but it’s so powerful that it can penetrate even the hardest hearts sometimes.
Never underestimate the power of God’s Word!
Also, don’t let yourself get too far from His Word. Your Bible is a place of life giving. God can speak to you in many ways like dreams, prayer, and through others - but He is always speaking to you through his word. LISTEN!
#listentogod #speaklord #wordoflife #godwithus #bible #shalom #yourjourneytobeingwhole #dailydevotional @fccphx @jeromeparkerjr