The mark of the Holy Spirit is a seal that Almighty God, Creator of the Universe has placed on you and on me, forever. It tells everyone, seen and unseen, that we belong to Him and He belongs to us. It’s a like a family seal and it stands up for us in legal matters.
The Holy Spirit is also our Paraclete! Don’t miss the power of this - a Paraclete is one who fights alongside you and has your back; one who helps you and is there for you. You’re never alone. You always have someone fighting with you and on your behalf - and He is never worn out or weak.
We must learn to walk with Him and in tune with Him. Learn to listen for Him because He’s got our backs - and we really need the help! #walkinthespirit #sealedbytheholyspirit #godwithus #emmanuel #childofgod #yourjourneytobeingwhole #shalom #dailydevotional