What you’ve experienced has prepared you for what will come. God will not waste your lessons or even your trauma - He promises to work it to good! So many of us are trying to hide our scars, not just the physical ones, but the emotional and spiritual scars too. We don’t want people to see where we’ve been broken, we’re we’re vulnerable and sensitive. But these are the areas in which we can help others the most. God isn’t through with you yet! He is the one who brings beauty from ashes, the oil of joy for mourning and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness! (Isaiah 61:3)
So don’t be afraid to show your scars, God will use them to help others and fulfill you. #scars #beautyfromashes #thelordiswithyou #childofgod #calledandchosen #purposedrivenlife @womenoffaith #shalom #yourjourneytobeingwhole #dailydevotional