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Not Ashamed

Christine Ayala

Guilt is when we’ve done something that’s bad and we feel bad about it - and we should. We hope that when we sin our conscience kicks in and the Holy Spirit convicts us to repentance.

But shame is different - it’s when we label ourselves something that isn’t true or hide something out of fear. Brene Brown said, “Shame is the intensely painful feeling or experience of believing that wr are flawed and therefore unworthy of love and belonging. Shame is basically the fear of being unworthy and unlovable.” But like any fear, it doesn’t come from God! The Lord washes you clean and frees you from shame. Shame is an oppressive tactic of the devil - and it’s very effective. Ask the Lord to set you free from this - let Him have the secret, He already knows and loves you anyway - He has mercy and grace waiting for you right now. #letgoletgod @brenebrown #jesuslovesyou #grace #shalom #yourjourneytobeingwhole #dailydevotional


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