The ability to love others comes from Jesus. I’m not talking about people that are easy to love like your children or spouse or best friends - I’m talking about the people who are more difficult to love… People who aren’t nice, are rude, prickly, complainers, or are just plain unloveable- these are the people Jesus wants to show His love for through you and me. To have a full understanding of Christ’s love for you you need to let Him live these others through you and let them into your heart enough two that you really CARE about them and what happens to them.
Following Jesus means that you let Him disciple you - that includes discipline. Jesus will teach you to be patient in times and situations that will challenge you to the end of your natural ability so that you’ll need to learn how to lean into and on Him and the power of the Holy Spirit in you to patiently endure. Our ultimate example is Jesus Himself as He was condemned and crucified. We hope that God doesn’t need a martyr’s sacrifice from us… but what if He does?
Who do you need to love today?
Who do you need to patiently endure today?