There is an over used saying, “Let go, and let God.” I’ve heard it used as an excuse to stop doing something you’ve been led to do by God because it’s hard or you’re not seeing results. I’m sure that sometimes God wants us to stop and wait on Him, but to actively wait, not just sit.
However, God absolutely wants us to surrender to Him - to give Him our efforts and our attention and let Him direct and move them for His purposes. Letting go of the illusion of being in control is essential to growing as a disciple and in our love of Jesus. When we do this, He does His greatest work in and through us. That’s what it really means to “Let go and let God. #letgoletgod #discipleship #createdonpurposeforapurpose #BEthechurch #childofgod #goodgoodfather #dailydevotional #shalom #yourjourneytobeingwhole