Oh my. How many times have I missed the Lord? I do not know, but I hope I don’t do it again! My focus this year has been on being “In Tune.” Listening more purposefully to the Spirit and to the people around me. Paying attention to how events and circumstances are connected or affecting each other. Listening to my body and even paying attention to my doggies. Being more present with the present and with the Lord.
I pray that I deepen my awareness and discernment with the help of the Holy Spirit so that I don’t miss moments of closeness with the Lord. So I don’t miss the times where I can just sit with Him and I pray that my agenda won’t overcome my consciousness again. Thanks for helping me think more about this @bheasley #timewiththelord #intune #shalom #yourjourneytobeingwhole #walkbyyhespirit #dailydevotional