What do you think when you read this verse?
What does it mean to you?
Do you need Jesus as much as you need to eat every day? Do you think about Him as much or as often as you think about food?
I’m preaching to myself here - it’s so very easy to focus on your physical needs and your work, but it takes more discipline to focus on your spiritual needs. We tend to try to feed our spirits with physical foods and “self-care,” but our spirits need us to worship God and feed on His word throughout the whole day. That’s why Paul told us to pray constantly- to keep that inner connection to God flowing through all our decisions and encounters with other people. So that we don’t try to fill our need for Him with something else - like food. #jesusisthebreadoflife #feedyourspiritdaily #discipleship #walkinthespirit #shallm #yourjourneytobeingwhole #dailydevotional