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God’s Love in Mom

Christine Ayala

The power of God’s love is so much more than we can comprehend and yet we see it in The littlest, seemingly insignificant, thoughts and actions. My mother is the one who taught me that. Sometimes directly and outwardly but mostly by her actions and example. She taught me what unconditional love means because she’s shown it to most everyone in her life. Even when we didn’t deserve it. She doesn’t have an unkind bone in her body.

She went through terrible trials with her children’s suffering, and remained firmly, faithfully and unconditionally loving. She is taking care of dad with the same tenderness and devotion as she did with us kids.

Through it all, she has served God faithfully in her church and in her community. She looks for people to love and help, and just does it. What an example she has given me to follow! What a blessing she is to us all! I love you mom! @sharon.a.sullivan

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