One of God’s precious gifts to us when He saves us is that we are never alone again and His power starts working in and through us.
Unfortunately, many Christians shy away from this - they are afraid of the supernatural presence and power of their Savior. The Holy Spirit is with us always, how often do you talk to Him? How often do you lean on Him or hold His hand when you’re scared? His power is within you, the same power that all of the disciples and followers of Christ had in the Bible. Do you tap into the power God gave you? He gave it to you for a reason, His reason, His purpose is to love and help others so that they will also receive Salvation. You don’t have to be rich or eloquent to use these gifts for the kingdom. #justdoit #BEthechurch #discipleship #morethanwecouldaskorimagine #powerofchrist #thelordiswithyou #walkinthespirit #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional