So many Christians are suffering from anxiety, depression and fear. If you boil it down though, the issue is little faith. Jesus pointed this out a number of times when He was teaching. However, when you’re in the middle of the fear, its hard to reach out. That fear kind of chokes you out - but maybe you should call that fear by name and tell it to go in the name of Jesus! Do it every day, many times a day if necessary. God is WITH you, and He is on your side! And He has all power and authority over the devil who is dragging your down. The devil is a liar who wants you to be anxious and afraid. If you need there any or medication to help you take your stand, then do it! Our God is a faithful, healing God who loves you and doesn’t want you to live that way any more. #godiswithyou #godisforyou #godisonyourside #thedevilisaliar #nomorefear #nomoreanxiety #yourjourneytobeingwhole #shalom #dailydevotional