This is so important. We need to be careful about the preaching we listen to - sometimes it is just tickling our ears and telling us that fulfilling our desires is what God wants - is His will. His will is seeking Him with all our hearts, so that our desires mirror His will. Glorifying and praising God with our lives is the goal. I don’t want joy without His plan. I don’t want comfort without it showing His faithfulness and I don’t want recognition that doesn’t glorify His name.
It starts with our prayer life. What is your focus when you’re alone with the Lord. Is it about you? Is it what you want? Is it about Him. Is it about others. Ask Him to direct your thoughts and lead your prayers, and listen. Listen more. #elisabethelliotquote #walkhumbly #glorytogod #seekthelord #walkinthespirit #pray #praymore #shalom #yourjourneytobeingwhole #dailydevotional