Trusting God when you don’t understand is when true faith in our God who is Almighty is forged. Until you’ve had to actually use your faith, lean on it and then hold on with all your strength, you don’t realize how powerful our Lord really is, how wide, how great and how deep His love is for you and how much He really has planned for you. @chuck.foreman.71 preached this last week “The trials will come and show that the testing of your faith will prove that He is with you and that He is genuine."
God is still on the throne. His ways are higher and much better than mine. He will see you through! #dontgiveup @fccphx #thelordiswithyou #createdonpurposeforapurpose #faith #walkbyfaith #yourjourneytobeingwhole #dailydevotional #shalom