It’s good to be a disciple, a follower of Christ. But we must be careful not to become the disciple of another person. It’s good to have mentors and pastors who teach and guide you, but don’t try to emulate them and their walk - you have to follow God and His path for you.
I’ve learned that doing so sometimes takes me places I wouldn’t have ever guessed… or even desired. But God knows what I need and it is He whom I follow and submit to. He is the one I seek. I pray always that I can walk in His anointing, not on my own. When I was younger, there was a time that I tried to be like an older woman whom I admired. I thought that being like her was the right thing to do - but it wasn’t. My call is quite different from hers. Once I realized that, the word opened up to me and the Lord led me just as He promises. Thanks be to God! #calledandchosen #createdonpurposeforapurpose #discipleship #yourjourneytobeingwhole #shalom #dailydevotional