Thank God for His word, more powerful than a two-edged sword, able to cut through to the core of any problem in any spiritual battle. No matter what happens, His word sustains me as I cling to Him. I know it sounds dramatic, but there are many times when it really felt like I was holding on for dear life. There are verses that I would recite over and over to fight the real pressure that was on me, and the fear that tried to crush me. His word sustained me through these times and God did what He does. He faithfully worked all things to his will, which isn’t just good, it’s perfect.
Meet every attack from the evil one with God’s sword and ask Him to cover with the shield of His grace and peace. Then - Watch God do what only He can do! He is faithful to do what is perfectly best. Always. #walkbyfaith #clingtotherockthatishigherthani #childofgod #promisesofgod #wordofgod #peace #shalom #yourjourneytobeingwhole #dailydevotional