God is on the throne of heaven and He rules the universe. He sees each one of us all the time. He hears each one of us all the time. He has plans for our future and hope all the time. Sometimes we we doubt this and our faith is shaky - but God doesn’t have any doubts about us and His faithfulness has no end. When you need faith, or wisdom, or love, or joy, or peace, or forgiveness, or the strength to forgive - Our God is happy to pour it out on you with His grace and mercy. God is much bigger and more powerful than we can imagine and has no limitations like we have - and He loves us! #godlovesyou #jesuslovesyou #createdonpurpose #godanswersprayers #godhearsyou #mydeliverer #myredeemerlives #godisonthethrone #shalom #onespiritonechurch #dailydevotional