By nature, we just aren’t patient. Patience is one of the first things we try to teach our babies, and we never stop. It’s also one of those things we can always work on too. None of us really likes waiting in line, especially when we have a few choices and another one seems to be moving faster - right?!? But God, He is patient with us and with our situations. He knows the beginning from the end and He promises that no matter what, He will act justly and in our best interests. Always!
Whether we get to see it or not, God will do what He promises. It is not up to us. He may use the justice system, He may use other people and circumstances and He may use grace… or all of those or something else. But He will. We need to let go of any offenses and desires to punish just as God has let go of ours. Eternity is a very long time! Keep your eyes looking to Jesus, not back at those who hurt you. #keepyoureyesonjesus #forgiveness #grace #godisgoodallthetime #childofgod #inlightofeternity #redeemed #shalom #yourjourneytobeingwhole #dailydevotional